Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Criteria
Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Criteria JRF Ortho makes every effort to ensure the quality and safety of our grafts. Our cleansing, processing and preservation procedures are designed to produce safe, high quality fresh osteochondral allografts that have the highest percentage of viable chondrocytes possible. Cleaning and Processing To minimize potential contamination from the donor, environment, personnel or equipment, all tissue is processed in ISO Class 5 clean rooms. Processing iFew readersFresh Frozen Osteochondral Allograft Criteria
Fresh Frozen Osteochondral Allograft Criteria JRF Ortho makes every effort to ensure the quality and safety of our grafts. Our cleansing, processing and preservation procedures are designed to produce safe, high quality fresh frozen allografts. Cleaning and Processing To minimize potential contamination from the donor, environment, personnel or equipment, all tissue is processed in ISO Class 5 clean rooms. Processing is performed under aseptic conditions within 48 hours of tissue reFew readersFrozen Osteochondral Allograft Criteria
Frozen Osteochondral Allograft Criteria JRF Ortho makes every effort to ensure the quality and safety of our grafts. Cleaning, processing and preservation procedures for frozen allograft tissues are designed to provide safe, high quality allografts. Processing and Sterilization To minimize potential contamination from the donor, environment, personnel or equipment, all tissue is processed in ISO Class 5 clean rooms. Processing is performed utilizing aseptic conditions and graft sterilizFew readersDonor Evaluation
In accordance with American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) standards and FDA requirements, JRF Ortho and its recovery and processing partners utilize extensive evaluation criteria to identify and qualify suitable donors. To ensure the safety of each allograft produced, all recovered tissue is quarantined until donor eligibility has been established.Few readers